So without anymore ado, here's the much anticipated review of The Winter Sister!

Released: Feb 5, 2019
Read from: Feb 11, 2019 - Feb 20, 2019
Format: print (BOTM)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I know this book was pretty anticipated all over the internet, from the author, and by some of you. I will tell you, that I did like this book, and I did enjoy reading it the entire time so that makes it a win in my book! Click here for my review on Goodreads!
I want to keep this blog entry short, so I'm going to wait until the end of the month to provide reviews for all the other books I've read this month, in my February Overview!

1) Good Wives (Print- library) by Louisa May Alcott
Released: 1869
Started reading: Feb 20, 2019
The Little Women are back, but now they're grown up! Meg is married, Amy is galavanting around Europe, and Jo and Beth both still seem lost and conflicted. Where will they go next? I'm 43% of the way through. It is a lot like Little Women, so if you hated reading that book, I don't recommend this one. But if you liked it, and love the characters, give this one a try! I'm hoping to finish it or get close to finishing it tonight.
Started reading: Feb 10, 2019 (second time around, I gave up on it last fall originally)
I loved this movie as a kid, so I was excited to read the book, but I'm finding the writing style a bit difficult. There isn't a lot of dialogue, and when there is, it's written in spelling that makes you read it with an accent which makes it a slower read. It's also on my phone, which is my leats favorite reading platform, so that makes it go even slower. I will keep trucking through. Anyone else read this book? What did you think??
3) The Last Romantics (Audiobook- scribd) by Tara Conklin
Released: Feb 5, 2019
Released: Feb 5, 2019
Started listening: Feb 23, 2019
I have seen this one coming up a lot on social media, and the one book blog I follow just finished it and rated it as her first 5 star book from 2019, so I'm excited for this one! Only thing is, I've barely listened to a lot of it, and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to handle this narrator :/
4) Insight Guides: Hawaii
Because I'm going to Hawaii for my honeymoon in May and need to learn about its history and what kinds of things we get to do there!! :) I've finished reading all of the history and genera island info, as well as the chapters on the islands I'm visiting, but do plan to go back to this and read the sections on the 3 islands that we won't get to set foot on, as well as the areas of O'ahu we're not going to get to go to this time around.
I finished the sections of my Inside Guides book that I need for my trip, so now I'm on to y Lonely Planet Discover book. This is one of my favorite guidebook series, so even though at this point, I'm reading about the sights in a little less detail, I like to tie it all together after reading such a detailed book as an Inside Guide. I also couldn't NOT get this book because it has something that a lot of other guidebooks don't heavily focus on: itineraries and walking tours! So I'm a fan.
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